If Satan is real he's a lot intelligent than the GOD of JW's... He derailed Jehovah's
plans from the beginning, right from the starting blocks. As for popularity their are
more movies about Satan than God, Satan sells tickets.......
lets try to think about this "logically", and i use that term loosely, because we are going to use jw "logic".. so, they say that satan is real.
these are the last days.
satan is "roaring about", like a lion, with him and his demons "trapped" within the confines of earth.
If Satan is real he's a lot intelligent than the GOD of JW's... He derailed Jehovah's
plans from the beginning, right from the starting blocks. As for popularity their are
more movies about Satan than God, Satan sells tickets.......
I will have one made, love it....
how has not sparing the rod(raised jw) change the way you discipline your children today?.
an incident that happen last week with the grandkids made me think about how i raised my kids.. my wife daughter and her family.
the 8 year old the first time a friend will stay the week end so he was very .
Diogenesister: to be honest my first thought I thought they handle it well, but from
your comments I see it could have been handle better. I figured, ok they
didn't beat him, but you want to keep the line of communication open that's the
important thing. When I hear folks making the comments, yes when I was a child my dad or mom
beat the crap out of me, look at me now that's what is needed with children today a good butt
whipping. Folks beating your kids do not work!!!
how has not sparing the rod(raised jw) change the way you discipline your children today?.
an incident that happen last week with the grandkids made me think about how i raised my kids.. my wife daughter and her family.
the 8 year old the first time a friend will stay the week end so he was very .
Good points flipper didn't think of that "should have been shown appreciation by his mom for
his honesty". For years I worried about my kids raising their children and not repeating the
kind of discipline they received, I'am happy to say they are not. With my kids the line of communication
between them and their children is very good, I'm thankful for that.
I find it interesting to compare the childhood of a none JW child(my wife children) and mine,
they are all around the same age.
how has not sparing the rod(raised jw) change the way you discipline your children today?.
an incident that happen last week with the grandkids made me think about how i raised my kids.. my wife daughter and her family.
the 8 year old the first time a friend will stay the week end so he was very .
How has NOT sparing the rod(raised JW) change the way you discipline your children today?
An incident that happen last week with the grandkids made me think about how I raised my kids.
My wife daughter and her family. The 8 year old the first time a friend will stay the week end so he was very
excited, a weekend of various fun activities. Ten minutes after his 6 year old friend arrived someone wrote
F-A-R-T on the walls in chalk. Ok no big deal, right. But the way mother and father handle it made me think,
did I raised my kids right.
The kids were ask who wrote the word on the wall, no one knew nothing. My 12 year old grandson told his mom
"mom, why would I write something like that". The 8 year old(grandson) not me and the 6 year old friend "I don't
know how to spell the word". She told them you won't get into trouble, I just need to know.
Well the mother told the boys no fun weekend for you two, I will call your mom to come and pick you up.
The 6 year old starts packing his things and the 8 year old runs into his room crying. So after a few minutes the
8 year old comes out and said, "he may had did it".LOL
Anyway they made him write 100 times, I lied.
I don't remember how we handle issues with my kids but I didn't beat them but the wife and different story.
we all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
Sometimes I feel sorry for judgmental people and their boring lives, other times
I'm jealous. I wish I had that much time to worry about things that are none
of my business. A nice quote.
my brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
My sons would not listen to me for years although they left with me (JW.org.). Raised in the cult
it was difficult for them. It all changed when one entered college and the other son Coast Guard and
travel the world. All the things I was telling them it came to light and they dropped the shackles of the
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
You are supposed to be celibate(if not married) but with all the sex talk in the KH and healthy young
people no wonder most DF are sex related.Just imagine for a week you go without food, and
a stranger walks up and tell you about the nice juicy steak he ate, but no food for you.
What is normal become abnormal in JW world, and what is abnormal become normal (shunning).
I wouldn't be surprise one day the GB interpret or new light, it's ok the have concubines....
A bunch of dirty old men, sex on the mind. There's a connection with people who are so righteous(nutty)
and sex.
the wife told me it was more like 20-22 years since i seen or talked to her.but since that visit we.
we have not spoke to one another, not a word.
my family members (not jw) ask me have i called.
The Search: around 10 years ago my daughter came out to visit her mom, they
all (my four kids and family) vacation in Caribbean. My two girls are still JW's, the boys left
we me. So I was happy the kids were together, they had a great time. Two months later my
one son was schedule for a two day business meeting in her state, so he called her and told her he
would love to meet her one day for lunch. She e-mailed him and told him he is not welcome.
slimboyfat:Over the years(29) my JW family is so F--- up, they don't know if they are coming or going.
Chook:Yes my brother and I wasn't raised JW's. Mom and Dad showed us unconditional love.
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
Be carful if you are a young man and sleep on your stomach may cause masturbation,
not in print but my nephews were told that at Bethel....